19% of Gary residents depend solely on active transportation (primarily bikes) and public transportation to get around.
Ken Parr Build-A-Bike is a part of the Take Bike The Streets comprehensive program that involves community engagement, economic development and intergenerational environmental education.
Ken Parr Build-A-Bike is a part of the Take Bike The Streets comprehensive program that involves community engagement, economic development and intergenerational environmental education.
Volunteers build and/or repair bikes from May-October.
Volunteers build and/or repair bikes from May-October.
Classes on bike tuneup and repair are also available for free and open to all ages.
Classes on bike tuneup and repair are also available for free and open to all ages.
How Your Donation Makes A Difference
How Your Donation Makes A Difference
- Helps create virtual learning experiences
- Purchases tools and equipment needed to build, repair and maintain bikes
- Buys helmets for children
- Sponsors community bike rides
- Increases local volunteer opportunities
Brief History
Brief History
In 2015, during the Gary’s Miller Spotlight Plan it was discovered that Gary no longer had a bike shop. The Transportation and Infrastructure Action Group (Access Miller) set a goal to help rectify this. The Build a Bike was originally run as a pop up shop at the farmer’s market by Ken Parr in 2015. In 2016 volunteers partnered with Gary’s Redevelopment Department on a vacant to vibrant project at the old Wilco/Ralph’s Grocery Store site. This fall we have moved to the Fire Station at 8010 Indian Boundary Gary, IN 46403. In 2015, during the Gary’s Miller Spotlight Plan it was discovered that Gary no longer had a bike shop. The Transportation and Infrastructure Action Group (Access Miller) set a goal to help rectify this.
In 2015, during the Gary’s Miller Spotlight Plan it was discovered that Gary no longer had a bike shop. The Transportation and Infrastructure Action Group (Access Miller) set a goal to help rectify this. The Build a Bike was originally run as a pop up shop at the farmer’s market by Ken Parr in 2015. In 2016 volunteers partnered with Gary’s Redevelopment Department on a vacant to vibrant project at the old Wilco/Ralph’s Grocery Store site. This fall we have moved to the Fire Station at 8010 Indian Boundary Gary, IN 46403. In 2015, during the Gary’s Miller Spotlight Plan it was discovered that Gary no longer had a bike shop. The Transportation and Infrastructure Action Group (Access Miller) set a goal to help rectify this.